MCR Open Danish Mahjong Championship 2009
- Certified for the Mahjong Europe Ranking System (MERS 2)
- Qualification competition for Danish players for OEMC 2009
Time: Saturday January 17th 2009, 9:30am to 8pm
Place: Århus Bridgeklub, Vanggaardcentret, Paludan Müllersvej 26, 8200 Århus N
Registration: Send an email to Henrik Nielsen,, with: Name, Country and EMA ID.
Registration deadline: January 8th
If you don't have an EMA ID, don't worry, just say so and we will get you one, if applicable. The competition is open to all mahjong players, no restrictions.
Registration fee: DKK 100 (€ 13.5) to be payed on the morning of the tournament.
Includes lunch, coffee, tea.
Rules: Mahjong Competition Rules
Tournament rules:
Four sessions of 120 minutes are played.
Table winners are awarded 4 points, 2 points go to number 2 and 1 point to number three at each table.
Team competition:
There will be a team competition: Each player is part of a team of four players whose individual results are added. Send the name of your team of four to Henrik. Remaining players will be placed into teams by the organizers.
Individual prizes for the 3 highest ranked players. Team prize for the Best Team.
We will serve lunch, coffee and tea. Beer and soft drinks will be for sale.
Staying in Aarhus:
City Sleep In Aarhus
Cab Inn Aarhus Hotel
Get In Jens Baggesensvej 43 (200 m. from the venue)
Any questions? Contact Henrik: or +45 2992 7843
Time schedule:
09:30-09:45 | Registration |
09:45-10:00 | Welcome |
10:00-12:00 | Session 1 |
12:00-12:30 | Lunch |
12:30-14:30 | Session 2 |
14:30-14:45 | 15 min. break |
14:45-16:45 | Session 3 |
16:45-17:00 | 15 min. break |
17:00-19:00 | Session 4 |
19:15-19:45 | Prizes |
Referee: Henrik Krogh Nielsen
- Anders Labich (DEN), EMA 03000001
- Brian Krog (DEN), EMA 03000025
- Tina Christensen (DEN), EMA 03000003
- Morten Andersen (DEN), EMA 03000051
- Jeppe Stig Nielsen (DEN), EMA 03000005
- Freddy Christiansen (DEN), EMA 03000049
- Lars Therkelsen (DEN), EMA 03000126
- Isabel Jensen (DEN), EMA 03000149
- Frank Rostved (DEN), EMA 03000148
- Henrik Leth (DEN), EMA 03000022
- Jesper Willemoes Hansen (DEN), EMA 03000082
- Hans van der Poel (NED), EMA 08010051
- Anton Kösters (NED), EMA 08010039
- Kim Iversen (DEN), EMA 03000123
- Sune Korreman (DEN), EMA 03000117
- Sheila Jakobsen (DEN), EMA 03000156
- Tobias Olsen (DEN), EMA 03000153
- Jessica Chen (DEN), EMA 03000155
- Martin Wedel Jacobsen (DEN), EMA 03000107
- Sune G. Thomsen (DEN), EMA 030000095